几乎在每个行业,公司都在寻求 熟练的领导人 将海量数据转化为利润.


Pacific’s 埃伯哈特商学院 launched its STEM-designated 商业分析理学硕士 (MSBA) in Fall 2021. 任何专业学士学位的学生都可以参加, this unique 9-month* plus internship** program allows entry-level students to gain experience in the field using the vast industry network of the Eberhardt 职业生涯管理中心. The hybrid program blends online learning with on-campus classes at Pacific’s Stockton campus. With a curriculum built to align with the International Institute of Business Analytics standards, students will gain the essential skills and knowledge required to be successful leaders of data-informed business strategy.

* 9-month schedule is only available for full-time students starting in the fall semester. Full-time students must take 16 units in the fall and 15 units in the spring semesters. Conditionally accepted students may not be eligible for the 9-month schedule.

** Internship requirement: 120 hours of work related to business analytics in a qualified business or non-profit organization. An internship is not required for students with full-time employment at the completion of course works.


研究生s with an analytics degree in business will be met with one of the fastest-growing and most versatile employment fields in the country. 美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)的数据显示.S. Department of Labor states that “employment growth will be driven by an increasing use of data and market re搜索 across many industries.“无论是应用于市场研究的分析, 运筹学, 或者金融研究, employment growth is projected to range from 14% to 25% from 2020 to 2030 in business analytics fields, which is must faster than the average job growth rate for all occupations. The increase in the collection and analyses of “big data”— extremely large sets of information in every industry — will provide the need for individuals who can gather, 解释, 并分析数据以优化决策.  




自适应 & 灵活的格式

For students who seek to work full-time, the program can flex to meet your needs. Take a reduced course load with the option to take courses over two academic years and complete a capstone experience at your place of work in lieu of the required internship.

埃伯哈特商学院培养知识, 企业领袖在个性化方面的创新, experience-based learning environment and produces scholarship that contributes to disciplinary knowledge, 通知教学, 并促进商业实践.

We share a set of underlying principles that govern our behaviors and our ability to achieve our mission:

  • 保持以学生为中心的学习环境
  • 全人教育
  • 刺激智力增长
  • Maintaining a mutually supportive community of faculty, staff, and students
  • 吸引外部利益相关者
  • 促进卓越
  • 对社会负责
  • 行为道德和正直
  • 为大学、社区和专业提供服务

研究生s of the 商业分析硕士 program will be able to:

  • 表现出对数学的熟练程度, 统计数据, 编程, 以及商业分析的软件工具
  • Effectively communicate in oral and written forms at a high level of professional expectations
  • Translate and analyze data into presentable and actionable business/managerial solutions with an awareness of ethical issues in the field

The admission process involves a holistic review of each applicant’s background and experiences. 以下是入学条件:

  • 学士学位,成绩为3.平均绩点0或更高
    • 平均绩点在2分之间的申请人.65-2.99 may be considered if they have 相关工作经历 or certificate coursework completed that speaks to their ability to be successful in the program.
  • 官方成绩单* 
  • 重新开始
  • 个人陈述
  • 两封推荐信
  • 具备定量分析能力
    • Applicants may demonstrate their quantitative capabilities through successful undergraduate coursework in 统计数据 (MATH 37 or equivalent), 相关工作经历, GMAT定量推理成绩不低于40分, 或者GRE定量推理成绩至少达到152分. If the applicant’s quantitative abilities are not demonstrated in the application, the applicant will be asked to enroll in a pre-approved course and successfully complete it with a minimum course grade of "B."

Official transcripts should be sent directly to the 研究生招生办公室, located at:

斯托克顿CA 9521

NOTE: Students are required to have their own portable computers with the following minimum hardware requirement: Processor: i7 or equivalent; RAM: 16 GB; Hard Disk: 512 GB; OS: Microsoft Windows. 指令将在Windows平台上给出. 



国际学生:请参观 国际研究生申请者 site to learn more about the additional application requirements. 


MSBA 210 -商业分析(3)
MSBA 220 -商业概念和分析应用(3)
MSBA 230 -数据库管理与SQL和R (3)
MSBA 232 -数据科学编程(在线)(1)
MSBA 235 -研究方法 & 职业道德(3)
MSBA 285 - Capstone Project I (3)

MSBA 240 -高级商业分析(3)
MSBA 250 -应用商业分析(3)
MSBA 260 -领导分析组织(3)
MSBA 265 -特殊分析主题(3)
MSBA 286 -顶点项目II (3)


MSBA 210 -商业分析(3)
MSBA 220 -商业概念和分析应用(3)
MSBA 235 -研究方法 & 职业道德(3)

MSBA 240 -高级商业分析(3)
MSBA 265 -特殊分析主题(3)

MSBA 232 -数据科学编程(在线)(1)
MSBA 230 -数据库管理与SQL和R (3)
MSBA 285 - Capstone Project I (3)

MSBA 250 -应用商业分析 
MSBA 260 -领导分析组织
MSBA 286 -顶点项目II


MSBA 210 -商业分析(3)
MSBA 220 -商业概念和分析应用(3)

MSBA 240 -高级商业分析(3)

MSBA 230 -数据库管理与SQL和R (3)
MSBA 235 -研究方法 & 职业道德(3)

MSBA 265 -特殊分析主题(3)
MSBA 250 -应用商业分析(3)

MSBA 232 -数据科学编程(在线)(1)
MSBA 285 - Capstone Project I (3)

MSBA 260 -领导分析组织(3)
MSBA 286 -顶点项目II (3)

** Program, course offerings, and schedule are subject to change.



We strongly encourage anyone interested in joining the program to attend an information session to learn more.

Dr. 阿尔伯特·黄

“The 商业分析理学硕士 develops graduate students with the essential abilities to use data effectively and strategically for business people regardless of industries or job functions.”


Business programs offered by the 埃伯哈特商学院 are accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate 学校 of Business (AACSB) International, the premier business school accrediting organization in the world. The five-year continuous review process ensures students and employers of the most current and high-quality programs. Learn more about the AACSB and the continuous review accreditation process. Learn more about what it means for you to attend an AACSB accredited school.


我们对学生采取亲身实践的方法. This means we want to get to know you throughout your discovery and application process. 请采取下一步行动,帮助我们与您建立联系.


